Preparing for your family’s future starts with you.

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To Be Involved

As humans, we have a lot of needs that must be met in order for us to feel sane and able to contribute to the development of our society.

According to Maslow’s hierarchy, these needs range from the love and support that we need, the food we eat, water, clothing, shelter, personal and financial security, health, acceptance by others, etc.,to ultimately self-actualization.

We like to feel loved when we are down. When we face certain emotional traumas, it keeps us sane to find those that can give us succor either as friends, family or romantic partners.

We also have the basic need for things such as food, shelter and water. Without these, we cannot begin the journey to self-actualization, talk more of the contributions that we can make to society.

There are levels of needs, and they are classified into stages according to Maslow in order to make it understandable for us and that we set priorities to fulfilling them.

These needs border the whole human existence\. They have been grouped into five stages that can classify the whole needs that humans face.

These needs motivate our lives and the actions that we may take. In this order from the greatest to the least they are:

  1. Self-actualization
  2. Esteem [to be accepted, valued by others]
  3. Love and Belonging
  4. Safety and Security [personal and financial security, health, safety net]
  5. Physiology – required for human survival [air, water, food, clothing, shelter]

Among these five stages, the third stage is termed the “Social need”. This stage is where humans are concerned about being loved by their family and friends, and long to have a romantic relationship with people. This is the place of interpersonal relationships.

This is the stage where humans have gone past the basic needs stage;which are the things they need for basic survival such as food, water, clothing, air and shelter; they have gone past the safety and security stage of needs as well, which means that they have at least a fundamental working health system, safety, also personal and financial stability to a good level of comfort.

The next stage of need is that we begin to think on the aspect of love and emotions.

These begin to be the driving force of the human behavior. We begin to think about how to be emotionally satisfied. The need to feel loved and accepted by not just a few, but to a large extent, a lot of people. Most times, we even get carried away by being stressed to feel love from even strangers that we may have never met physically.

In order to avoid problems such as loneliness, anxiety, and depression, it is important that people are actually loved and accepted by other people. Man is a creature of emotions and we want these emotions to be felt and attention given to them. We want to feel loved and important everywhere we go.

Personal relationships with family and close friends are not enough for us, we seek more. We may look further to seeking belonging in other groups such as religious groups, sports teams, book clubs, exercise groups, political groups, etc.

The emotional needs of man are delicate issues that must be handled well and properly given attention to.

We will seek to give these problems solutions. We can have ideas and strategies in tackling these issues.

On this blog, we will take the time to talk about possible solutions that can help humans figure out the ways to get through emotional turbulences.

The human mind is fragile, and as such must be treated with ultimate care and precision.

There are psychological solutions to these issues; therapy sessions that seek to solve them.

Another way to go is proactive education. Educating the mind is one of the most potent paths to finding lasting solutions to some of the biggest problems man has faced.

One of the most viable ways to solve the social need issue is that we give people love, respect and attention no matter who they are. They must not be related to us before they receive our love.

The world is full of many problems that are not going anywhere anytime soon, and honestly, the little love we give to whoever we come across can really go along way in saving a life.

There are people at the verge of taking their lives due to the loneliness they feel even when people are around. You never know when you may come across someone like that, and the care and little attention you give may be the story-changer.

Join us here as we get new insights everyday concerning these issues, how far we have progressed, and how much more we can achieve.

The world is in dire need of love and who else to show love to the next person than you?

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Preparing for your family’s future starts with you.

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